Daily Archives: August 27, 2013

Kate Winslet : Divergent behind the scenes interview video

New DIVERGENT behind the scenes video with Kate interviewed http://www.fandango.com/movie-trailer/exclusive:divergentofficialpreviewfactions-trailer/163446/2402945509 and 8 new images from the video clip: *************************   As always, we keep these accounts current. So sign up for them and check back often: https://www.facebook.com/katewinsletrevolution?v=app_106171216118819 http://www.facebook.com/katewinsletrevolution http://www.twitter.com/katewinsletrev http://www.katewinsletrev.proboards.comContinue reading

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Kate Winslet Revolution : 10 Years

Today is the 10 year anniversary since this group was founded. Please read our message: http://www.scribd.com/doc/162254073/Celebrating-a-Decade-of-Excellence-Copy ***************** As always, we keep these accounts current. So sign up for them and check back often: https://www.facebook.com/katewinsletrevolution?v=app_106171216118819 http://www.facebook.com/katewinsletrevolution http://www.twitter.com/katewinsletrev http://www.katewinsletrev.proboards.com http://www.youtube.com/user/katewinsletrev http://s794.photobucket.com/user/katewinsletrevolution2/library http://s681.photobucket.com/user/katewinsletrevolution/libraryContinue reading

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