Kate attends UK and US #Divergent premieres http://www.facebook.com/katewinsletrevolution #KateWinslet

video E! news March 17, 2014



Why Kate Winslet named her son Bear Blaze
By Breeanna Hare, CNN
updated 3:02 PM EDT, Tue March 18, 2014

(CNN) — If you’re going to name your kid after a wild animal, at least have a good reason.

Kate Winslet, who welcomed son Bear Blaze with husband Ned Rocknroll last December, has assured “Ellen’s” Ellen DeGeneres that yes, there’s a purpose for the kid’s unique signature.

Bear Blaze is the 38-year-old star’s third child — she had daughter Mia, 13, and son Joe, 10, with prior husbands Jim Threapleton and Sam Mendes, respectively — and this time around she had baby names on the brain.

“When I was pregnant with Mia and I was pregnant with Joe, I didn’t name them before they came out because I always felt like I just have to see them and see who they’re going to be,” Winslet said. “But of course this time around, there’s Mia and Joe and the whole pregnancy’s about what are we going to call the baby. … They were very much included, and we settled on Bear quite early on.”

The reason she loved the name is because a friend of hers was nicknamed Bear, “and I just had always really loved it,” the “Divergent” actress said. “He was very much a bear, he was everybody’s shoulder to cry on, he was a big bear hug. He was just this great figure in my life.”

And to pick Bear’s middle name, she and her husband Ned wanted something that represented their bond.

“Bear’s second name is Blaze because my husband and I met in a house fire basically,” the actress continued, referring to the fire that consumed billionaire Richard Branson’s Caribbean home while she was staying there in 2011.

“The house burnt down and we survived, but we wanted something of the fire, and so Blaze was the name that we came up with.”

Bear Blaze may be uncommon, but Winslet didn’t want to be creative with the infant’s last name. While her husband enjoys the last name Rocknroll, an eccentric moniker he adopted before he met and married the actress, it’s pretty clear she doesn’t like it.

When DeGeneres asked why Winslet’s youngest son isn’t taking his father’s last name, she paused before responding with a laugh, “Why do you think, Ellen?”

Instead, he’ll be known as Bear Blaze Winslet.



video Kate appeared on The Today Show – March 18, 2014

video – entire video of Kate getting her star on the walk of fame
‘Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind’: 25 Things You Don’t Know About the Mind-Bending Romance
Posted March 18th, 2014 12:00PM
by Gary Susman”Eternal Sunshine” was a modest hit a decade ago; today, it’s commonly regarded as one of the best films of the new millennium. Even so, though you may have seen it enough times for it to be permanently implanted in your memory, there are still things you may not know about the film, from its seemingly improvisational shooting process to how unbelievably primitive the special effects were, to how Carrey and Gondry nearly came to blows. Here, then, are 25 of the movie’s secrets; come back and read this article again tomorrow, in case you forget them.1. The title comes from one of history’s most painful romances, recounted in the poem “Eloisa to Abelard” by Alexander Pope. In his verse, Eloisa tries to forget the affair:

How happy is the blameless vestal’s lot!
The world forgetting, by the world forgot.
Eternal sunshine of the spotless mind!
Each pray’r accepted, and each wish resign’d…

2. The idea for the film originated with French artist Pierre Bismuth, who was so tired of hearing a female friend’s complaints about her boyfriend that he asked if she would erase him from her memory if she could. She answered yes.

3. Bismuth passed along the idea to his friend Gondry, a drummer-turned-music video-director who had recently directed his first feature, “Human Nature.”

4. Gondry, in turn, passed the idea to “Human Nature” screenwriter Charlie Kaufman, who turned it into the story of Joel and Clementine.

5. Gondry courted Kate Winslet to play Clementine. She was flattered, both by his ardent attention and by the idea that someone had seen beyond her corseted roles in period films to offer her a character as cutting-edge as Clementine.

6. Going in, Winslet was eager for the challenge of working with someone whose acting background was as different from hers as Carrey’s was. As she noted, “I have played Ophelia, and he was Ace Ventura: Pet Detective.”

7. Carrey had similar thoughts about her. “I get excited when the people I work with scare me. She’s just scary-talented and just an amazing actress.”

8. Another literary in-joke: the name of Kirsten Dunst’s character, Mary Svevo, comes from Italo Svevo, known for his correspondence with father of psychoanalysis Signmund Freud

9. For Clementine’s frequent hair color changes throughout the film, Winslet wore wigs. “I was really up for dying my hair all those different colors but, you know, a movie is shot out of sequence, so literally some days I would start with red and then by lunch time I would be blue, and then the afternoon I’d be going back to red again.”

10. Though the movie’s special effects have the seamless look of CGI, they’re really much more primitive. For instance, the sequence under the kitchen table, where the adult actors appear to be the same size as the children, was done using similar forced-perspective tricks as those used in the “Lord of the Rings” trilogy to make the hobbits look shorter — sets built at tricky angles and oversized props and furniture.

11. The most astonishing sequence may be the one where Joel visits the Lacuna office while experiencing the memory of a previous visit. The camera pans back and forth between Carrey at the door and Carrey seated across the room, wearing another outfit. There was no trick photography involved; Carrey simply raced back and forth from one side of the room to the other, changing his clothes along the way, arriving in position before the camera panned to him. Carrey complained to Gondry that the shot would be impossible, to which Gondry responded by asking him how he could know if he didn’t try. According to co-star Mark Ruffalo, the shot took half a day to rehearse and six takes to get right.

12. Gondry and Winslet performed a similar feat for the shot where Clementine pops from bathroom to kitchen to front door, with the actress outracing the camera to be in the right place at the right time.

13. Gondry encouraged improvisation. The scene where Clementine punches Joel was improvised; Carrey didn’t know the blow was coming.

14. In another improvised scene, Ruffalo and Elijah Wood decided to laugh instead of reciting their lines. Gondry jaggedly cut their laughter into the edited scene, for a nicely surreal effect.

15. For further spontaneity, Gondry guided his cameramen through headsets to follow the actors wherever they decided to go, whether they hit their marks or not. “We never had marks,” Winslet said. “Everything would change in every take.”

16. Gondry made a point of keeping Carrey off balance. “Sometimes I would roll the camera at the wrong time, I would give him the wrong order at the last minute to create some panic, which I do in general with extras because otherwise they become like robots,” he said. “So I think by putting him off balance made him forget about what he should do to be the character, and he just became the character.”

17. Carrey recalled that the hardest day of the shoot was the day of the hot tub scene because conditions were unpleasant and tensions were high, and he nearly punched Gondry.

18. That night, however, tensions between director and star were defused as they shot footage involving a pajama-clad Carrey riding in a bed mounted on a Volkswagen chassis, singing an Elvis Presley-style song called “Pecan Pie” as he pulled into a New Jersey gas station for a refill. The result was released as a 90-second short called “Pecan Pie.”

19. Gondry’s pursuit of the happy accident climaxed the night the circus came to town. Shooting on the streets of Manhattan as the elephants marched to Madison Square Garden, the crew were beset by paparazzi who recognized Carrey and tried to make him break character. Gondry told Winslet to disappear into the crowd, in the manner of one of Joel’s vanishing memories, but he didn’t tell Carrey, who started frantically searching for his co-star. The chaos resulted in Gondry’s favorite shot in the film. Said Carrey, “He tricked me into a good performance.”

20. Gondry was unhappy with the poster used to promote the film, which featured a smiling Carrey. He complained that it oversold “Eternal Sunshine” as a zany romantic comedy, instead of the more wistful piece it actually was.

21. Carrey had, in 1996, become the first star to earn $20 million upfront per picture, but he cut his fee drastically for “Eternal Sunshine,” whose entire budget was $20 million. The movie earned $34.4 million domestically and andother $37.9 million overseas.

22. “As soon as ‘Eternal Sunshine’ was finished, my girlfriend dumped me and it was horrible,” Gondry said. “People have been asking me whether I would get her erased and to begin with I said no, but now I’m starting to come round to the idea, because it’s awful not being in a relationship when you want to be.”

23. The film won an Oscar for Best Original Screenplay, a prize shared by Bismuth, Kaufman, and Gondry. It also earned a Best Actress nomination for Winslet.

24. In a rare interview, Kaufman noted that his script seemed to have a made-for-DVD structure. “I think it’s really designed to be seen more than once, because there is information that you don’t have at the beginning of the movie that doesn’t completely allow you to understand certain themes,” he said. “You can understand them as Joel and Clementine. For example, you don’t know the whole context when they meet each other on the train. It seems interesting to me any way in theory to be able to see that scene again once you know that.

25. In 2008, Bismuth and Gondry reunited for a short film called “The All-Seeing Eye.” In the movie, the camera rotates around a Paris apartment where “Eternal Sunshine” is playing on TV. With each lap around the room, more and more objects vanish, until all that’s left is an empty white cube.


ETERNAL SUNSHINE OF THE SPOTLESS MIND: 10 Years Old, It’s Still One of the Greatest Movies of All Time
Kip Mooney March 19, 2014It’s no exaggeration to say Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind changed my life. I was just a naïve freshman (in high school) when it came out, but it’s safe to say the advanced screening I went to — where I won the soundtrack on CD because I knew Jim Carrey’s first movie was Once Bitten — was a major moment in my shift toward writing as my main focus.I couldn’t help but write about Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind. I had never seen anything like it before. In fact, there really hasn’t been anything like it since either. Both writer Charlie Kaufman and director Michel Gondry have made interesting films separately, among some of the most unique in cinema, but they’ve never come close to matching their finest collaboration.

So rarely has a film captured the intoxicating highs and gut wrenching lows of a relationship. It’s both joyous and quietly devastating, often in the same scene.

Jim Carrey, capping his trio of great dramatic performances, plays Joel Barish, the sad-sack worker bee who impulsively calls in sick to work to take a train to Montauk on a frigid Valentine’s Day. Though his archetype has long been copied in indie rom-coms since, he’s the genuine article. He injects his character with life. He’s not merely “mopey.”

On the train back home, Joel meets Clementine (Kate Winslet, giving her career-best and least typical performance). Again, as a true free spirit, Winslet may be a template for the Manic Pixie Dream Girl, but she defines it and defies it at the same time. She gives Clem real emotion, not just a series of quirks.

In the characters’ past, they were deeply in love, but after a nasty break-up in which both brought out the knives, Clem sought out the services of Lacuna, which specializes in erasing painful memories. Joel decides to do the same, but during the procedure — overseen by technicians Patrick (Elijah Wood), Stan (Mark Ruffalo) and Mary (Kirsten Dunst) — tries to opt out. Which is a little difficult to do if you’re unconscious.

Eternal Sunshine features characters all clinging to something that’s not real. While Joel’s memories may be real, they’re often rosier than he remembers. Stan, while enjoying his casual relationship with Mary, knows she pines for her boss (Tom Wilkinson). Worst of all is Patrick, who stole all of Clementine’s memories of Joel — along with her panties — in an attempt to copy that love. A decade ago, I found all that to be utterly creepy. Now, I just find it unbelievably sad. He’s so desperate, he’d rather replicate a failed relationship than try to start one on his own.

But the real magic of the film happens in Joel’s subconscious. That’s because every single aspect of the film is meshing together beautifully.

Cinematographer Ellen Kuras shoots each scene with a variety of filters and lighting set-ups to better capture the fluid nature of dreams: sometimes you’re in a bookstore, but when you walk down the hall you’re suddenly at your friends house. The harsh fluorescent lights at the former better capture Joel’s humiliation after being rejected by Clementine, the lamp at the latter feels more cozy as he relays his confusion in a safe place.

Jon Brion’s music perfectly sets the tone of every scene, whether it’s anger, lightheartedness, fear or joy. It’s one of the all-time great film scores.

But most of the technical brilliance rests on the shoulders of editor Valdís Óskarsdóttir, who took on the herculean task of stitching this whole thing together. There are moments when scenes play on top of each other and past scenes occupy the same space as new ones. Yet it’s never hard to follow. What he accomplishes is one of the greatest technical achievements ever, and somehow he wasn’t even nominated for an Oscar.

The only Oscar the film did win was a much-deserved award for Charlie Kaufman’s screenplay, which remains both incredibly original but never so out-there that it feels detached. This is a completely human story wrapped in a science fiction adventure.

No matter how painful our memories of past loves lost are, they should never be erased or completely forgotten. You learned something from them, even if it didn’t hit you until after it was over. Eternal Sunshine reminds us of that. Most importantly, depending on your reading of the final scene, it teaches us that no matter how much pain we’ve suffered, we should always be open to love, even if it might hurt us again.

A decade later, Eternal Sunshine still hits me like a punch in the gut. But it’s also a beautiful reminder that love, even with its high cost, is a journey worth taking over and over again.



Happy 10th Anniversary, Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind!
By Kyle Buchanan
March 19, 2014 at 9:00 AM

Reach into your memory banks and try to grab hold of the first time you saw Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind. You may have to go back further than you thought, because the mind-bending Jim Carrey/Kate Winslet romance, directed by Michel Gondry and scripted by Charlie Kaufman, was released ten years ago today. (Consider this another installment in the ongoing Vulture series You Are Old Now.)

Unlike the memories scrubbed by its central company, Lacuna Inc., which crumble and depreciate into nothingness, Eternal Sunshine’s reputation has only grown since its release in 2004, and the film showed up on several best-of-the-decade lists a few years back. It’s hard to believe now that Eternal Sunshine was nominated for only two Oscars (one of which, Best Original Screenplay, it won), but you can feel its influence in all sorts of ways today, most especially in last December’s Her, directed by Kaufman’s frequent collaborator Spike Jonze. Both Eternal Sunshine and Her ground their future-tech and bittersweet romance in a persuasively lived-in world, and both topped out at $34 million, clearly destined for a much more meaningful afterlife on home-video.

About that afterlife: When I revisited Eternal Sunshine last month, I expected the tempestuous relationship between Carrey and Winslet to take on new significance now that I’d had ten years to accrue romantic experience and heartbreak in equal measure. What surprised me, though, is how devastating I found Kirsten Dunst’s arc to be this time around. Her character is a sweet, open-faced 20-something with a crush on her boss that’s both long-nurtured (she’s collected some philosophical quotes that she hopes will impress him) and barely thought through (since her boss has a wife). When she finally makes a move on the man, he gives in, but is then forced to tell her that they’ve had this affair once before; in fact, it was so destructive that they had to wipe her memory of it. The moment that a disbelieving Dunst finds her intake tape and doubles over as she hears the experienced, tired, broken-down voice — her own — coming out of the recorder … well, it’s positively brutal. It’s a past she’s forgotten she lived and positive proof of a future she can’t believe she’d ever succumb to. Her now-lost naïveté was a young person’s shield, keeping the compromises to come at bay.

And it makes the final scenes between Carrey and Winslet all the more poignant. The most enduring movie romances are the ones that end tragically, with the protagonists torn apart by circumstance, knowing they can never be together. Eternal Sunshine confronts that idea head-on, then swerves: When the embittered Dunst sends Carrey and Winslet their own intake tapes just as the lovers are unknowingly embarking on a repeat fling, they are confronted by the onetime end of their relationship and must figure out whether it’s worth going down that road again. Someday, the initial glow of meeting will wear off, and they’ll become like the carping exes on the tapes, unable to see past each other’s faults and desperate to erase each other out of existence. You couldn’t blame them for going their separate ways right then and there, since it’s hard to get started on falling in love when doom is staring you square in the face.

But they decide to do it anyway. “Okay,” he says. “Okay,” she replies. They’ve learned the worst things about each other, their faults and fears, and yet standing across from each other in the hallway, they can’t help but smile, thinking, We can make this work. That’s real life. That’s real love. What could possibly be more romantic?


Kate Winslet Remembers How ‘Eternal Sunshine Of The Spotless Mind’ Helped Change Her Career
Posted: 03/19/2014 9:31 am EDT Updated: 03/19/2014 9:59 am EDTThere’s at least one person not surprised Michel Gondry’s “Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind” is 10 years old: Kate Winslet.”I can believe it’s 10 years. I absolutely can. I was pregnant with my son when I was shooting that movie, and he’s 10 now,” Winslet told HuffPost Entertainment in a recent interview. “I have incredible memories of ‘Eternal Sunshine.’ That was what took me to New York in the first place. I went to New York to shoot that movie and didn’t leave for nine years. It occupied the beginning of a really big chapter in my life. I always remember it very fondly.”

Winslet was 28 when “Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind” came out on March 19, 2004, and already a three-time Oscar nominee (“Sense and Sensibility,” “Titanic” and “Iris”). Appearing in Gondry’s film, however, was a watershed moment in her career. It provided Winslet with a leading role in a very modern story that, as written by Charlie Kaufman, combined love, science-fiction and offbeat comedy into a drama about what happens to two people after their relationship falls apart. (Jim Carrey played Winslet’s onscreen partner.)

“I think creatively it opened people’s eyes to other sides of myself as a performer,” Winslet said of playing Clementine in “Eternal Sunshine,” a character notable for her no-bull attitude and changing hair color. “I think that perhaps if it hadn’t been for that, maybe I wouldn’t necessarily have been considered for something like ‘The Reader.’ I was able to show my versatility in ‘Eternal Sunshine,’ and versatility obviously expands in all kinds of different directions.”

Of that versatility, Winslet, who next stars in this weekend’s “Divergent,” recalled how “Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind” specifically allowed her to branch out from the potentially limiting nature of her nationality.

“I think because I am British, there’s this sort of very strange metaphorical red carpet that is rolled out for us,” Winslet said. “People kind of think that we speak a foreign language and that we’re much more intelligent than the rest of the human race. That we fall asleep with volumes of Shakespeare by our bed. That isn’t me at all. I think ‘Eternal Sunshine’ smashed through any preconceived notions that people may have had about who I actually am.”

While “Eternal Sunshine” only grossed $34 million at the North American box office, the film enjoyed great critical acclaim and awards recognition. Kaufman won an Oscar for Best Original Screenplay, while Winslet received her fourth nomination overall for the role, and third in the Best Actress category. (She would later win an Oscar for “The Reader.”)

“To receive an Academy Award nomination for ‘Eternal Sunshine’ was just fantastic. Because none of us really thought that was going to happen,” Winslet said. “We were doing Michel Gondry’s completely crazy movie with Charlie Kaufman. We had no idea what it was going to be like. I always had real faith that it would be something very special, but I didn’t know.”


Mar 19, 2014 at 12:38pm

Post by Kate Winslet on Mar 19, 2014 at 12:38pm

Some HQs. Kate looking really great!

I uploaded hundreds of photos and dozens of videos from the Walk of Fame and Divergent premiere to our facebook page today.www.facebook.com/katewinsletrevolution

Celebrity Style Story (March 2014, video)
DIVERGENT UK Premiere videos from the Odeon at Leicester Square in London, March 31, 2014
‘Divergent’ Premiere at Odeon Leicester Square in London – March 30, 2014

+ Shailene Woodley. They both loooking great.
A couple more pics from sexy Kate.

More photos will be uploaded to our Facebook page at


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Tu Style Magazine (Italy) – March 31, 2014

You Style is on sale with Kate Winslet
March 25, 2014

Kate Winslet on the cover: “I was married three times. But I firmly believe nell’happy end. ”

VIDEO http://www.youtube.com/watch?feature=player_embedded&v=LJgYlpqBYvE


Kate Winslet: her red carpet look to the vote

This week’s cover of Tu Style Kate Winslet , one of the most talented actresses in Hollywood and a mother for the third time a few months ago, soon in Italian theaters with the expected “Divergent,” the film adaptation of the eponymous bestseller Veronica Roth. What better opportunity to “brush up” with her ​​red carpet look, drawing up a ranking fashion? From the outfits perfectly hit the spot and super chic to those a little ‘less suited to her beauty, “buttery”, not forgetting of course the choices decidedly risky and out. Browse our gallery and discover with us what votes won!


DVD Blu-Ray coming soon to Region A/1 North America:


Kate Winslet and Josh Brolin Star in Acclaimed Director Jason Reitman’s Captivating Romance “Labor Day” Arriving on Blu-ray™ Combo Pack April 29, 2014 and on Digital HD April 15

The LABOR DAY Blu-ray Combo Pack with Digital HD includes “End of Summer: Making Labor Day,” deleted scenes and commentary by director Jason Reitman, director of photography Eric Steelberg and first assistant director/co-producer Jason Blumenfeld. The Blu-ray Combo Pack available on April 29th also includes an offer for $10 off the purchase of flowers, making LABOR DAY an ideal Mother’s Day gift.

LABOR DAY Blu-ray Combo Pack

The LABOR DAY Blu-ray is presented in 1080p high definition with English 5.1 DTS-HD Master Audio, French 5.1 Dolby Digital, Spanish 5.1 Dolby Digital, Portuguese 5.1 Dolby Digital and English Audio Description and English, English SDH, French, Spanish and Portuguese subtitles. The DVD in the combo pack is presented in widescreen enhanced for 16:9 TVs with English 5.1 Dolby Digital, French 5.1 Dolby Digital, Spanish 5.1 Dolby Digital and English Audio Description and English, French, Spanish and Portuguese subtitles. The combo pack includes access to a Digital HD copy of the film as well as the following:


Feature film in high definition
Commentary by director Jason Reitman, director of photography Eric Steelberg and first assistant director/co-producer Jason Blumenfeld
End of Summer: Making Labor Day
Deleted Scenes


Feature film in standard definition

The Blu-ray Combo Pack available for purchase includes a Digital Version of the film that can be accessed through UltraViolet™, a new way to collect, access and enjoy movies. With UltraViolet, consumers can add movies to their digital collection in the cloud, and then stream or download them—reliably and securely—to a variety of devices.


The single-disc DVD is presented in widescreen enhanced for 16:9 TVs with English 5.1 Dolby Digital, French 5.1 Dolby Digital, Spanish 5.1 Dolby Digital and English Audio Description and English, French, Spanish and Portuguese subtitles. The disc includes the feature film in standard definition.


Divergent Actress Kate Winslet Reveals Her Children Have Only Seen Half Of Titanic
By Lydia Richardson On April 1, 2014
Says her two eldest children are excited about her new film role

It might have won 11 Academy Awards, but that hasn’t stopped Kate Winslet from keeping the sexy scenes in Titanic a mystery to her teenage children. However, now the actress can breathe a sigh of relief as her new film Divergent is right up their street.

Kate, who stars in the new teen flick Divergent, has revealed that her elder children, 13-year-old Mia and 10-year-old son Joe are finally interested in their famous mother’s work.

Talking to the BBC at the European premiere of the science fiction film last night, Winslet explained: “They have read the book so they are really excited to see how the film turns out and to see mum doing something completely different.”

“They haven’t actually seen anything really that I’ve done before they saw half of Titanic but that was about it.

“So this is particularly exciting for them.”

The 38-year-old recently gave birth to her third child, Bear Blaze in December last year. Naturally, Kate didn’t bring her little three-month-old along to the premiere, but she did add that her son was with her throughout the filming process.

Winslet shared: “I was nearly five months pregnant when we shot the film. And so every part of me is in the gooey happy mode, so to go to work every day and be a complete cow, I had to dig deep.”

Also starring in the film, is Shailene Woodley. The American actress portrays the main character Beatrice Prior.

Divergent, which has been compared to fellow dystopian novel and super popular film franchise The Hunger Games, looks set to be another huge success. However, the 22-year-old did admit that she was reluctant to sign on to the film at first.

“They require a lot of work, not work but new things can come with them that you don’t expect, like lack of anonymity and I wasn’t sure that’s what I wanted,” she explained.

Woodley then added: “But after talking to a lot of my mentors it seemed, I love the story line and I love the character and I can’t make this decision based on a fear of what could happen.”



Kate Winslet’s Angelina Jolie Leg Pose Is Hot (PHOTOS)
The Huffington Post Canada | Posted: 03/31/2014 10:36 am EDT | Updated: 03/31/2014 10:59 am EDT

The Internet had a meltdown when Angelina Jolie’s right leg stole the 2012 Oscars and over the weekend, Kate Winslet tried to recreate the magic with her own twist.

The “Labor Day” actress attended the London premiere of “Divergent” on Sunday wearing a showstopping black strapless gown with a knee-high slit.

With one hand on her hip, the 38-year-old popped her right leg out from beneath the skirt and gave fans a fierce stare, worthy of her “Divergent” character Jeanine Matthews.

Kate flaunted her post-baby body (the actress gave birth to her third child, Bear, in December) in the curve-hugging Jenny Packham gown which highlighted her hourglass figure to perfection.

Emerald-and-diamond earrings and strappy black sandals were Kate’s key accessories, while wavy blond hair and a pink lip completed her va-va-voom look,

Kate was joined by co-stars Shailene Woodley (stunning in an ocean blue backless gown) and Theo James.



Kate Winslet & Shailene Woodley Sizzle At ‘Divergent’ London Premiere
March 31st, 2014 3:00pm EDT | Noelle Talmon By: Noelle Talmon favorite Add to My News

The weather was nice enough in London, England, over the weekend for the cast of “Divergent” to attend the film’s premiere in sleeveless gowns.

Shailene Woodley showed off her slim figure in a blue dress with lace detail. Her co-star Kate Winslet opted for a sleeveless black dress.

“Divergent” debuted at number one at the box office, taking in $56 million. It dropped to number two this past weekend.

Based on the popular young adult series, the film centers on a world in which people are segregated into different factions. Tris Prior, categorized as “Divergent,” has to find out why being in that classification is so dangerous before it’s too late.



Divergent premiere: how Kate Winslet got in touch with her wicked side
Kate Winslet explains why her new role was so tough, while the stars of the dystopian film discuss their number one fears
11:00AM BST 31 Mar 2014

Speaking frankly at the premiere of science fiction flick Divergent, Kate Winslet revealed that she had to “dig deep” when playing the wicked Erudite leader Jeanine Matthews. She told reporters that because of her pregnancy she was constantly in a “gooey happy mode” when filming, which she had to shake off to play the role.

The film, which premiered in Leicester Square, is based on the first book in a popular series by Veronica Roth and is set in a world where people are divided into factions based on human virtues. Those who don’t fit in are deemed “divergent”.

The film stars Kate Winslet, who plays the central antagonist in the film, Shailene Woodley who plays teenage protagonist Tris and Theo James who plays her romatic interest known as Four.

The central theme of the film is that the characters must learn to control and conquer their fears.

With that in mind, the cast were asked what their biggest fears are, with the answers believeable as well as ridiculous.



Kate Winslet Gets Support From Husband Ned Rocknroll at ‘Divergent’ Premiere!

Kate Winslet stuns in a black dress on the red carpet at the Divergent European premiere held at the Odeon Leicester Square on Sunday (March 30) in London, England.

The 38-year-old actress’ hubby Ned Rocknroll joined her at the premiere to show his support for her new flick. Also pictured walking the red carpet at the big event was the author of the original young adult novel “Divergent” Veronica Roth.

Kate also posed for pictures with her co-stars Shailene Woodley and Theo James.

Divergent is set to be released in theaters in the UK on April 4 – be sure to check it out! You can catch the movie in theaters in the US right now.

FYI: Kate is wearing a Jenny Packham dress, Christian Louboutin shoes, Longines watch, and David Morris jewels.


Winslet and husband put 15th century home up for sale
By Doug Camilli, The Starphoenix March 28, 2014

Kate Winslet and her husband Ned are selling their rural estate in Sussex, which dates back to the 15th century, rather than continue a bruising battle with the locals over alterations. She’s asking $4.2 million.

She and her hubby (born Ned Abel Smith, he calls himself Ned Rocknroll), bought the place late in 2012, for $3.5 million, as a family retreat. But when she proposed to erect two-metre-high wooden gates and a big wicker fence, the neighbours mobilized both public opinion and lawyers to resist this blight on the timeless rustic appeal of yada yada yada.

The parish council ruled against her, sneering at her project as “incongruous … more suited to a suburban area …,” etc. So she gave up.


The Walking Dead’s Norman Reedus To Leave Daryl Behind As He Joins Woody Harrelson And Aaron Paul In New Thriller
By Joanna Crawley On April 1, 2014
Reedus has been signed up to star in John Hillcoat’s all star movie

Norman Reedus will be saying goodbye to Daryl Dixon for a while as he signs up for a new big screen project alongside huge TV talents like True Detective’s Woody Harrelson and Breaking Bad’s Aaron Paul.

Reedus will spend his hiatus from AMC’s hit show filming John Hillcoat’s new movie Triple Nine. The actor, who’s season four finale for The Walking Dead hit UK screens last night, joins an impressive cast for the heist thriller, from the director of Lawless and The Road.

With a script from Matt Cook, the movie follows a group of dirty cops who are backmailed by the Russian mob to undertake a seemingly impossible heist mission. They come up with a plan involving the murder of a rookie police officer but things are turned on their head leading to an action packed finale stuffed with double crosses and revenge.

Norman Reedus signs up for new movie Triple Nine (WENN)

Deadline report that Reedus joins an all-star cast which includes Casey Affleck, Woody Harrelson, 12 Years and Slave star and Oscar nominee Chiwetel Ejiofor, Kate Winslet, Anthony Mackie, Aaron Paul, Teresa Palmer, and Zack Snyder’s new Wonder Woman Gal Gadot.

Reedus has a few months off the Atlanta set of The Walking Dead, which wrapped up its fourth series this week.

Triple Nine marks the first major movie for Reedus since he joined the cast of TWD in 2010.

Read more at www.entertainmentwise.com/news/145261/The-Walking-Deads-Norman-Reedus-To-Leave-Daryl-Behind-As-He-Joins-Woody-Harrelson-And-Aaron-Paul-In-New-Thriller#ihTSjKgfoGGzGBtW.99


Kate Winslet: I can only act
28 March 2014
Kate Winslet hopes her children will enjoy doing more than one thing.

The 38-year-old actress found stardom when she appeared alongside Leonardo DiCaprio in 1997 cult hit Titanic.

She continues to make films and sees this as the only career path she could have taken.

“There was never anything else that I could do,” she admitted to the British edition of OK! magazine.

“It’s wonderful to have lots of things that you’re fascinated by – with my own children, people say to me, ‘What do you hope for your kids?’ All I ever hope is that they find lots of things they can do that they love, because then someday they’ll settle on one of them having experienced lots of other things along the way. Whereas, for me, I just loved acting. I loved it and still feel that way.”

Kate has children Mia and Joe from previous relationships and baby Bear, who was born last year, with her current husband Ned Rocknroll.

She feels strongly about not letting what other people say affect her and tries to pass this mentality on to her kids.

“Becoming established as an actor earlier on in life definitely made a huge difference,” she mused.

“It means that I didn’t spend gigantic periods of my late teens and early 20s trying to figure out that side of myself. I try with my children to have them know it’s great being who they are and having an opinion and not being afraid to speak up and ask questions. When you repeatedly tell a child, ‘Don’t say that,’ or, ‘You shouldn’t do this or that,’ before you know it, you’ve got a child who doesn’t know how to be anymore.”


Sunday, 30 March 2014
Kate Winslet is OK with wonky face

Kate Winslet thinks an obsession with looking beautiful stops people from “having a life”.

Kate Winslet thinks her face is “wonky”.

The actress was the romantic female lead in Titanic, where she enjoyed steamy scenes with Leonardo DiCaprio.

She’s still considered one of the most beautiful women in the industry, but even 38-year-old Kate has insecurities. However, this doesn’t mean she will go under the knife.

“I want to frown!” she laughed to the British edition of OK! magazine.

“It would be nice to have my face look normal and not slightly wonky. But that’s the other thing – it’s nice to look different. Sometimes I feel as though everyone’s looking a bit the same. Wouldn’t it be lovely if we all felt confident enough within ourselves to just live with it and get on with actually having a life and being happy without searching for some kind of quick-fix happiness? We’ve made an adjustment to our faces that only makes us feel better when we look in the mirror.”

Kate has graced the covers of many magazines and in 2003 there was outrage when GQ magazine elongated her legs with the use of Photoshop.

The actress was amazed that her image was altered so drastically.

“Well, that piece was 12 years ago,” she said.

“My daughter was maybe one or two. It was such a reality check. I was like, ‘Jesus, this has been going on for years, this really does happen!’ I’ve always just felt very, very lucky that I don’t care what people think of what I look like or say.”



Why This Photo of Kate Winslet Is a Win for Women Everywhere
by Beth Shapouri
Monday, 3/31/2014 at 2:02PM

Kate Winslet has talked a lot about aging in Hollywood, even joking that she formed she formed a “British Anti-Cosmetic Surgery League,” but, still, it’s somehow a stop-everything moment when you see a picture of her like this one taken at the London Divergent premiere this weekend.


Because not only can you clearly see her fine lines here, but they look stunning. They’re the character on an otherwise-perfect face that makes you want to lean in and stare. And the fact that they’re shot in such great conditions—ideal daytime lighting, a great angle—to create an ethereal vibe is really fantastic. It makes her entire aging situation seem not only like a total normal thing you should be seeing on faces everywhere (which is true, by the way—memo to Hollywood actress) but actually aspirational. Suddenly, it gives us all a new goal, like we can all dream of someday looking this distinguished as women and stop wondering how we can hold on to the baby skin of our teenage years into our twilight ones.

Let this serve as a reminder: Aging isn’t something necessarily a bad thing. It doesn’t mean you’re withered and sad and need to be Botoxed into a smooth egglike creature. No, fine lines don’t need to be shunned. We can celebrate their beauty like Winslet here. Who’s joining the club?




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About sewkatewinslet

FAN BLOG by fans for fans. Zero affiliation with the real person. Dubbed the greatest actress of her generation, Kate Winslet is a shining beacon of talent and celebrity. CBE ; Emmy, Grammy, Oscar Winner!
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